Rosehill Day Centre Appeal
One of our Clients, Rosehill Day Centre in Aberdeen, are through to the final voting process in the Tesco Bags of Help scheme, so whether they come 1st, 2nd or 3rd they will receive funds to go towards developing a sensory garden at their centre.
Bags of Help offers community groups and projects in the UKs Tesco regions, a share of the income generated from the 5p charge for single use plastic bags. The scheme offers 3 community projects the opportunity to be awarded £12,000, £10,000 or £8,000 to go towards development all raised from the 5p bag charge.

Rosehill have been chosen so they will receive at least £8,000, but with more votes they could secure 1st place and make a much bigger difference. They plan on creating a safe, fun sensory environment which will be developed, maintained and enjoyed by their Clients and the wider community.
We want to support Rosehill achieve their amazing sensory garden space in Aberdeen and you should to. Get out and vote in your local Tescos’ community boards to help them secure the top award of £12,000.
Good luck Rosehill Day Centre from everyone at ASA!